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Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig

Founded in 1983 in Melbourne, Australia, Jenny Craig, Inc. is one of the world's largest weight management programmes, with Centres in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, the UK and France. Over the past 27 years, the Jenny Craig programme has helped millions of people worldwide learn how to:
  • Eat a nutritious diet that includes many of their favourite foods
  • Increase their energy level through simple activity
  • Build more balance into their lives
  • Achieve optimal weight and well being

Three cornerstones to success

The three cornerstones of the Jenny Craig programme's safe approach to effective weight management are Food, Body and Mind..

Food - Delicious Jenny's Cuisine entrees and snacks help clients create a healthy relationship with food through proper portion sizes and nutritionally balanced meals.

Body - Clients learn how to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines.

Mind – To develop a balanced approach to living, clients learn how to make themselves a priority, to take time for self-care and to celebrate the milestones they achieve.

A hallmark of the Jenny Craig programme is our one-on-one support. Knowledgeable, caring consultants provide encouragement and information – either at our Jenny Craig centres, or over the phone as part of our at-home Jenny Direct programme.