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Nestlé inaugurates EUR 50 million pizza factory in Germany

selection of Wagner products
selection of Wagner products
FRESH INGREDIENTS: Brands produced include Die Backfrische pizza.

Nestlé has inaugurated a EUR 50 million extension to its Wagner frozen pizza factory in Germany.

The company’s investment in the factory in Nonnweiler, Otzenhausen, announced in 2011, has increased production of Wagner-branded products including Big Pizza, Piccolinis and Die Backfrische, while creating about 50 new jobs.

Pizzas manufactured at the facility include reduced fat, wholegrain, lactose-free and organic varieties, which are produced without flavourings or additives.

“This is the most advanced production line for frozen pizza in Europe”, said Werner Bauer, Nestlé’s Chief Technology Officer, at the opening ceremony in Germany.

Die Backfrische pizza
ADVANCED PRODUCTION: Nestlé is strengthening its expertise in frozen foods.

“Our investment here has enabled us to continue delivering innovations such as Die Backfrische, which focuses on fresh ingredients and has been one of the most successful pizza frozen launches in recent years.”

Nestlé’s investment in the Wagner factory is part of its efforts to strengthen its expertise in frozen and chilled foods.

Earlier this year, the company announced it would invest about CHF 49 million to expand its global frozen foods research and development facilities in the United States, to ensure it continues to offer innovations in products such as prepared meals and pizzas.

Facts and figures:
Nestlé Wagner fact sheet - English (pdf, 198Kb)
Nestlé Wagner fact sheet - German (pdf, 181Kb)

Related information:
Nestlé Germany
Nestlé Wagner