Nestlé's Corporate Business Principles
The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles are at the basis of our company’s culture, which has developed over the span of 140 years.
Download the fully revised new version of the Nestlé Corporate Business Principles (pdf, 2Mb) Also available in more than 50 languages
Since Henri Nestlé first developed his successful infant cereal “Farine Lactée”, we have built our business on the conviction that to have long-term success for our shareholders, we not only have to comply with all applicable legal requirements and ensure that all our activities are sustainable, but additionally we have to create significant value for society.
At Nestlé we call this Creating Shared Value.
The latest version of our Corporate Business Principles, updated in June 2010, has been handed over to our employees around the world and accompanied by basic learning and training tools.
Since 2011, a systematic and comprehensive modular training programme is being rolled out on the various components of the Corporate Business Principles. The depth and focus of the trainings is established in accordance with the materiality for the different functions within the company. For example, in 2011 the first step of the training on the human rights components focused on managers and employees in countries of higher human rights risks as a priority. In 2012, major efforts will be on training programs related to Management and Leadership, Conditions of Work and Employment and Compliance.
Our Corporate Business Principles will continue to evolve and adapt to a changing world, our basic foundation is unchanged from the time of the origins of our Company, and reflects the basic ideas of fairness, honesty, and a general concern for people.
Nestlé is committed to the following Business Principles in all countries, taking into account local legislation, cultural and religious practices:
1. Nutrition, Health and Wellness
Our core aim is to enhance the quality of consumers lives every day, everywhere by offering tastier and healthier food and beverage choices and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. We express this via our corporate proposition 'Good Food, Good Life'. Nestlé Nutritional Profiling System (pdf, 524 Kb)
2. Quality Assurance and product safety
Everywhere in the world, the Nestlé name represents a promise to the consumer that the product is safe and of high standard. Nestlé Quality Policy (pdf, 85 Kb)
3. Consumer Communication
We are committed to responsible, reliable consumer communication that empowers consumers to exercise their right to informed choice and promotes healthier diets. We respect consumer privacy. Nestlé Consumer Communications Principles (pdf, 2 Mb)
Nestlé Policy and Instructions for Implementation of the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes -
4. Human rights in our business activities
We fully support the United Nations Global Compact’s (UNGC) guiding principles on human rights and labour and aim to provide an example of good human rights’ and labour practices throughout our business activities. International Labour Organisation
5. Leadership and personal responsibility
Our success is based on our people. We treat each other with respect and dignity and expect everyone to promote a sense of personal responsibility. We recruit competent and motivated people who respect our values, provide equal opportunities for their development and advancement, protect their privacy and do not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination. Nestlé Management and Leadership Principles (pdf, 533 Kb)and Nestlé Code of Business Conduct (pdf, 76 Kb)
6. Safety and health at work
We are committed to preventing accidents, injuries and illness related to work, and to protect employees, contractors and others involved along the value chain. Nestlé Policy on Health and Safety at Work (pdf, 2 Mb)
7. Supplier and customer relations
We require our suppliers, agents, subcontractors and their employees to demonstrate honesty, integrity and fairness, and to adhere to our non-negotiable standards. In the same way, we are committed towards our own customers. Nestlé Supplier Code (pdf, 1 Mb)
8. Agriculture and rural development
We contribute to improvements in agricultural production, the social and economic status of farmers, rural communities and in production systems to make them more environmentally sustainable. Nestlé Policy on Environmental Sustainability (pdf, 349 Kb)
9. Environmental sustainability
We commit ourselves to environmentally sustainable business practices. At all stages of the product life cycle we strive to use natural resources efficiently, favour the use of sustainably-managed renewable resources, and target zero waste. Nestlé Policy on Environmental Sustainability (pdf, 349 Kb)
10. Water
We are committed to the sustainable use of water and continuous improvement in water management. We recognise that the world faces a growing water challenge and that responsible management of the world’s resources by all water users is an absolute necessity. Nestlé’s commitment to Water, Creating Shared Value.
Nestlé continues to maintain its commitment to follow and respect all applicable local laws in each of its markets.