Nestlé is introducing its premium-portioned capsule tea system Special.T to consumers outside Europe for the first time with the launch of the brand in Japan.
The company believes the system’s advanced technology, combined with its range of more than 25 varieties of tea, will appeal to Japanese consumers.
By rolling Special.T out to Japan, Nestlé aims to build on earlier successful launches of the system in seven European countries, including France, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland.
“Japan is an important tea market with a lot of potential,” said Pascal Lebailly, Nestlé’s Head of Special.T. “Per capita consumption is up to five times higher than in any western European country, apart from the United Kingdom.
“Although Japan has a strong green tea drinking culture, other varieties such as black, blue, white, flavoured, or organic herbal are less well known,” he continued.
“We are offering Japanese consumers the opportunity to discover a range of new high-quality teas, while providing them with everything they need to make the perfect cup.”
The launch comes as Nestlé Japan celebrates a century in the country.
Major innovation
Special.T is Nestlé’s third major innovation in capsule beverage systems, after Nespresso and Nescafé Dolce Gusto.

The system offers a selection of fine teas sourced from the top 1% of the world’s tea farms. The range in Japan will include an additional green tea blend tailored to local consumers’ preferences.
To use Special.T, consumers first select a capsule containing tea leaves and insert it into the machine. The system identifies the tea variety and adjusts the water temperature and brewing time accordingly.
Special.T has an exclusive online sales model in Europe that draws on Nestlé’s experience in other e-commerce ventures, such as Nespresso.
In Japan, the system will also be available to buy from a variety of retail outlets across the country from September, with online orders being taken from August onwards.